Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cal Player Gary Doxy testifies in Berkeley Shooting Trial

Cal Player testifies in Berkeley Shooting Trial
Current Cal defensive back Gary Doxy testified on Friday as a witness during the trial involving the death of Meleia Willis-Starbuck, almost three years ago. Apparently, Doxy was walking near Dwight and College when a few of the players began talking to Willis-Starbuck and her girlfriends, and began arguing.

"The fight began with team members flirting with Willis-Starbuck and her friends. When the women rejected the advances, the football players became angry, with one saying one of the women looked like Chewbacca." (Inside Bay Area)

Dang, Chewbacca? I'd be pissed too if someone said one of my lady friends looked like this:

According to Doxy, he and some other players stood back while the players who had made the insults later apologized. Willis-Starbuck proceeded to argue with the players however, ultimately calling a good friend to come, for help. That friend, Christopher Hollis, came blazing with a pistol, shooting 4 rounds at the group, grazed Doxy who made a run for it, and ended up inadvertently shooting his friend Willis-Starbuck in the chest, killing her.

I'm not making this up. Read the report here: