Friday, April 3, 2009

"Twighlight" Pic comes up in search for Bears with Fangs

So I did a quick google search for "Bears with Fangs" last night because, well I was bored and wasn't able to catch "The Office."
A few things I came to realize:

First, I need to either a) get more content pumping to flood the google network, or b) I need start a link trading partnership with 4tnz as they have an article up about the " 'Twilight' stars bears his fangs!"

The best comment from that article? "What is up with his forehead???? When we get married, I am totally gonna sort that out! "

Secondly, there were 387,000 search results for the search terms "Bears with Fangs."

Competitive. I should have named my blog something incredibly unique.

Finally, the advertisers aren't really punching their mothers to try and bid on these search terms, so Vampire Fangs sellers, you have found your potential gold mine. You're welcome.