Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tracy Slocum: Pimp

In my Fresno State Keys to the Game post yesterday, I had noted that former Cal runningback Tracy Slocum had contributed for the Fresno State Bulldogs in a reserve role, and commented, “Good for him.”

Well, in addition to running the ball, Slocum was arrested yesterday for running something else.

A prostitution ring.

From this article

On 8/26/11, about 12:00 p.m., the United States Marshal Service, with the assistance of the Fresno Police Department, arrested Tracy Slocum, 23, of Fresno, following a month-long, multi-jurisdictional investigation into allegations of domestic violence, prostitution, and sexual assaults.

Investigators suspect Slocum has operated as a pimp in different cities throughout California over the last several months and possibly longer.”

Jeebus Christ Tracy, a pimp? A freaking pimp?

I know, innocent until proven guilty, but these are some serious, serious charges buddy.

It looks like Tedford really knows when to fold them, when he dismissed Slocum two years ago for violating team rules. Tedford never specified what those were, and I’m preeeeeettty sure pimping wasn’t one of them, but I’m sure Tedford saw something shady.



USAFGoldenBear said...

I must say, when I saw the title and first blurb, I wasnt expecting it to be literal. Wow.

Anonymous said...

You really don't know what you are talking bout.....Tracy really wasn't wanted at Cal and he should have never gone there.....the truth will come forth on his legal don't bloat just yet....