Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Rulon Davis Story up on Yahoo! Sports

Michael Silver (Cal Alum) has an interesting writup on former DE Rulon Davis. Davis goes into the most detail about his duty in Iraq that I've ever had a chance to read about.

There's also brief mention about his "chilly relationship" with Coach Tedford, as well as this fun tidbit:

Teammates still marvel at the tantrum Davis threw last September at an Oakland hotel the night before the Bears traveled east for a game at Maryland, a tirade which required the intervention of one of Tedford’s assistants to calm him down.

“All of us were really hungry after practice,” Davis explains, “and the [caterer] ran out of burgers. About 20 or 25 of us were standing around for 30 minutes, and they brought out about six or seven more. It was all bad.”